While photographing common things with movement of the camera, I create Abstracts and Impressions. Some objects become smooth and distorted, while other subjects become hard, edgy and not of this World. In either case, they come alive with movement and color. The photographs are unusual and take on a painted like quality, without being altered in post production.
I photograph everyday places and things in a different manner than most photographers. I photograph these places and things from an alternate “point of view” and I am inspired and in awe of what is created.
These photographs have not been manipulated with any type of digital software or by any digital filter system or technique. These photographs represent a new way of looking at something in a different manner than we usually do.
John is self taught and was introduced to photography and film through his Grandmother, with whom he lived. He has had a life-long love of photography and at one point studied to become a photographer. While serving as a “photographers helper” to various commercial photographers in New York City and Fort Lauderdale, he realized that commercial photography as a profession was very restrictive and that the “client’s” ideas would always win.
John then embarked on a successful career in the real estate business. He now devotes most of his time to photography, taking the kinds of images that he feels inspired to take. At this point in his life, he has finally found in photography what he wanted to find so many years ago - that being the freedom to express his art in any way that inspires him and not to just the wishes of some “client”.
His full, rich, awe-inspiring portfolio can be found on www.johnrmath.com
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