Artist Statement:
Like all artists I want to share my vision of life, beauty, love, pain, reality. . .But through my eyes, the vision is a bit skewed because of a retinal disease. My picture of the world gets smaller and smaller everyday but my minds eye grows with vision and passion for life, beauty, love, pain, and reality. . .
Because of my vision the medium I have chosen is my prosthetic. Technology has finally caught up to my long loved medium: Mixed Media/Digital Photography. Pulling in my skills from life drawing, acrylic, oil, sculpture, photography and mixing them for a composition in a digital controlled environment settles that burning inside of me. Microchips, lasers, and electricity allows my emotional outpour to be released. Skeptics scoff at Digital Art, and I am sure that photographers were scoffed at from the masters. My work as a whole has developed as my life has, and as life does, so will my work.
This series and my current work consist of a mourning period of love and opportunities missed and lost. Each of the pieces herein consist of imagery: water, eyes, doors, and blurriness. All are connected. Eyes opening the door to the soul, letting in, they see you more clearly, leaving you exposed, unable to shut it again.
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